Leticia Helena Telles Nunes

Journalist, with a postgraduate degree in Audiovisual Screenwriting from FACHA, she is a screenwriter for the second season of the series "Republic of Peru" (TV Brasil, 2019: and Amazon, 2020). Scriptwriter and researcher of the documentary telefilm ""Fashion without measure"" (Fashion TV, 2021) and co-scriptwriter and researcher of the documentary telefilm "Nome do pai" (Cine Brasil TV, 2021).

Creator of the documentary series "Eva and the Resistance", in development at Migdal Filmes (2021) and co-scriptwriter and researcher of the documentaries "Jabuticaba" and "Alair", both in pre-production. Scriptwriter for the platform Meu Sucesso (meusucesso.com), with the documentary series "Na cara e na coragem", "Inteligência empreendedora", "Ao ponto", "Futuro presente" and "Efeito rede".

Winner of the OEI New Scripts Award, feature film category, with the project "Pedro Américo - O marqueteiro do Império" (2020) and finalist of the contest "Histórias para Unir o Brasil", with the project "E daí, a comédia" (2020/2021). Creator of the fiction series "Piloto de fuga", from Núcleo Criativo Mulheres de Atitude, selected by Ancine (2020/2018).

As a journalist, she worked for 30 years in the newsrooms of Globo, Jornal do Brasil and Isto É, writing about the major cases that marked Rio de Janeiro between the end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 2010s, especially the Vigário Geral and Candelária massacres and the wave of kidnappings. She has been nominated for awards for reports about homeless people and youth violence.

In the coverage of politics, she followed presidential campaigns, especially those of the PT and PSDB, and social movements, especially those of the 'caras-pintadas'. He also did several reports on characters, documents, and facts about the Military Dictatorship, such as the Araguaia Guerrilla War. In addition, she covered Rio's carnival for 25 years, from backstage to the parades and main characters.