A Rio de Janeiro producer specialized in fiction and documentary series and features, KROMAKI was created in 2018 by Rodrigo Letier, after 16 years as a partner at TvZero. Its first release was the documentary "The month that didn't end", by Francisco Bosco and Raul Mourão, in partnership with Canal Curta!

Then came the series "My Friend Bussunda", directed by Claudio Manoel, Micael Langer, and Julia Besserman, in partnership with Globoplay. In January 2022, the comedy "Juntos e Enrolados", starring Rafael Portugal and Cacau Protásio, reached the cinemas.

The production company's most recent debut is the documentary series "Lei da Selva", about gambling, a co-production with Canal Brasil, directed by Pedro Asbeg and available on Globoplay + Canais Ao Vivo.

Among other works intended for cinema, TV and streaming, Kromaki is currently producing an untitled fiction series inspired by the routine of four street children in the 36 hours before the Candelária massacre. Created by Luis Lomenha for Netflix, the series will begin shooting in the second half of 2022 and premiere the following year, when the tragedy completes three decades.

Also on the way are the documentary series "Romário, O Cara" (HBO) and "Nelson Vezes Quatro" (Canal Brasil), about Nelson Rodrigues, besides the documentary feature "O Mundo de Sofia" (GNT) and the horror feature "Herança", in co-production with Bubbles Project.

At TvZERO, Letier produced films such as "Bruna Surfistinha", "Gabriel e a Montanha" and "Benzinho" and series such as "Eu Sou Assim", nominated for the Emmy, and "#mechamadebruna".