Rio de Janeiro Foodstuffs Exchange (BGA-RJ)
Founded in 1951 to organize, operate, and supervise the commercialization of foodstuffs of various origins, the Rio de Janeiro Foodstuffs Exchange (BGA-RJ) is in a great location and well connected to all of the city's neighborhoods. It has various historical environments, with countless options for filming, auditoriums and administrative rooms. Besides transforming some spaces for support, food, and dressing rooms. Check out our list of productions filmed at our location: Os Farofeiros, Alemão, Os Salafrários, Maldivas, Arcanjo Renegado, Terapia da Vingança, A Sogra (Os Suburbanos), As Seguidoras, O Jogo que Mudou a História, Fogo Cerrado, among others.
Minimum period
1 hour
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, from 8am to 6pm
Use period
12 hours
Value per period
From R$ 8,000.00
Rua da Cevada, 93 - Andar Mezanino