Brazilian Press Association
The Brazilian Press Association (ABI) is an association with its headquarters in Rio de Janeiro. It was founded in 1908 by Gustavo de Lacerda. As a former president of the association, Fernando Segismundo, said in 1969, "besides its fundamental purposes, the association must interpret the thoughts, aspirations, demands, and cultural and civic expression of our press; preserve the journalists' professional dignity - and not only that of its members; protect the class interests; stimulate among journalists the feeling of defending the country's cultural and material heritage; highlight the role of the press in the facts of our history; and collaborate in everything that concerns the country's intellectual development". The ABI building has several multipurpose spaces, full of art, furniture, and architecture that portray part of the history of the city and the country.
Minimum period
Monday to Sunday: 8am to 6pm
Use period
Daily Rate: 12h
Value per period
From R$ 8,000.00
Rua Araújo Porto Alegre, 71 - Centro, Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 20030-012