Circo Voador
backstage • bars • big screen • bleachers • box office • concert hall • dance floor • dressing rooms • imperial palm trees • pátio • roulettes • stage
Located in Lapa, a bohemian neighborhood in downtown Rio de Janeiro, Circo Voador has been the setting for major national and international shows for over 30 years. With an indoor dance floor and bleachers facing the stage, the space has big screens outside, where the bars are located. It has a capacity for 2,800 people in its 3 thousand m², and its stage measures 12m by 7,8m.
Minimum period
Upon request
Use period
Upon request
Value per period
From R$10,000/8 hours
R. dos Arcos - Lapa, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 20230-060
Location managed by Shilon