The Studio is located in Camorim, administrative region of Barra da Tijuca. All locations have:

- Walls with 3 levels of sound insulation, double iso floating concrete with anti-vibration system.

- Acoustic doors with Sound Lock and antechambers.

- Air conditioners with silencer and HEPA filtration system for greater safety against the spread of diseases, renewing the air every 7 minutes.

- Wi-Fi 150 Mega, with dedicated link. Internet increase can be hired as an additional.

- Differentiated electrical system, with cables passing through underground ducts coupled to the electrical room and 15kva light frame, for locaction use.

- Generator with a capacity of 70 kVA (available for rental).

- In addition to the technical sheet, the company has a modern cozy decor, with a large dining room for catering, an industrial-level pantry, bathrooms and a balcony for smokers.

Minimum period




Use period

12:00 (With the possibility of working overtime.)

Value per period

Upon request

R. Mazzaropi, 205 - LOTE 2 - Camorim, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22783-090

Location managed by Annelise Carvalho Pereira

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