To film with a car camera in the city of Rio de Janeiro, the brazilian producer must fill out the Carioca Digital Filming Authorization Application and correctly answer the question on the form “Will there be use of a car camera or need for special traffic operation?” with “Yes” and describe how the dynamics will be. With the exception of the use of a camera attached to the vehicle, all cases must be evaluated by RioFilme together with CET-Rio.
In cases of low impact, in which front, rear, or low loader cranes are used, as they do not exceed the limit of one lane, it is understood that partial or total interruption of the road is not necessary. The crane car can follow the flow of traffic without interrupting it.
The use of the lateral crane is a case of greater impact. As it exceeds the dimension of a lane, a technical study by CET-Rio is required to understand the possible interdictions of the road, whether intermittent or total, depending on the location, traffic flow on the road, and other factors. Usually, it is recommended that the road be totally blocked to avoid accidents or damage to traffic.
As said before, in the case of using a camera attached to the car, the Rio Film Commission can issue a notice, which is an authorization for low impact productions.