The administrative procedure aimed at authorizing the production and/or use of images in federal conservation units may involve the obligation to make payments through the Guia de Recolhimento da União (GRU) for those images that are used for commercial purposes. However, it is important to note that capturing images for personal use (such as weddings, engagements, children’s events, photo shoots, graduations, journalistic reports, among others) is exempt from the need for authorization, provided that certain conditions are respected:
- The capture must take place in areas open to public visitation.
- The activity of capturing images must not disturb or interfere with the visitors’ routine.
- The use of drones for image capture is not allowed.
- The capture must take place within the regular operating hours of the park or conservation unit.
- It is important to highlight that only when the images are effectively used for commercial purposes, such as in advertising or direct sales, does the need for authorization and possible payment of fees arise. The mere creation of an image bank is not considered a commercial activity in itself.
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