Jocimar Soares Dias Junior

Doctorate from the Graduate Program in Cinema and Audiovisual from Universidade Federal Fluminense (PPGCine-UFF), where he developed a thesis focused on queer re-readings of Watson Macedo's chanchadas carnavalescas.
Master's degree from the Graduate Program in Communication at the Federal University Fluminense Between 2013 and 2014, he worked as an assistant director at Rede Globo de Televisão, in the shows "Amor à Vida", "Tapas e Beijos", "Tá no Ar" and "Malhação Sonhos".
He was assistant director and scriptwriter for the documentary series "Diários sobre o Corpo," shown on public TVs in 2017.
As a director, he directed "Ensaio sobre minha mãe" (2014), a musical short film shown in 24 national and international festivals, garnering awards at the following festivals: 26th Kinoforum (SP), 7th Kino-Olho (SP), 9th CineMúsica (RJ), 5th University Festival of Alagoas (AL), II MOV (PE) and 13th MIFEC (Porto, Portugal).
Currently, he is preparing his next short documentary, "Vollúpya", co-directed with Érica Sarmet, about the famous "GLS" nightclub in Niterói. He is one of the editors of Moventes Magazine and offers free courses through the Ritornelo Audiovisual platform.