Miguelito Acosta Ribeiro Leite

Brazilian Indigenous actor and producer. Born on: 05/14/1964 in Corumbá-MS.

Graduated in Scenic Arts from the Escola Técnica Estadual de Teatro Martins Penna, and Executive Production from the Escola das Artes Técnicas Luís Carlos Ripper, both in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Deputy Secretary and Communication Coordinator of AIAM - Aldeia Maracanã Indigenous Association.

Member of the Academy of Arts, Culture and Letters of Marata, where he received the award "Master of Arts" for services to society.

Main Works:

Opera "Turandot" Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro. (Carrasco)
Film "Turistas" American production. (Bodyguard)
Film "Rouge Brésil" international co-production (Native Warrior)
Novel "Bang Bang" TV Globo (Indian)
